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Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) or Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2021


This is a short guideline regarding the Department of  Agrarian Reform Administrative Order No. 2 Series of 2021.

1. Distribute to tenants, farmers, farmworkers, and/or other tillers who are qualified to become agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs), in the form of an individual certificate of land ownership award (CLOA) covering one contiguous tract or several parcels of land cumulated up to maximum of three hectares.
2. In all cases, that total area shall not exceed the award ceiling of three hectares per ARB.

3. Shall parcelize the CCLOAs to stabilize ownership, tenureship and control of the lands awarded to the concerned ARBs.

4. The four conditions not to parcelize the land:
 a. Not appropriate for individual farming
 b. If farm workers are organized in functions and not by specific parcels
 c. Farm consist of multiple crops in an integrated manner or included in a non-crop production areas
 d. ARBs are currently no farming individual parcels but are collectively working on large contiguous areas.

5. Exception to split:
 a. Land Reform Act or RA 1400
 b. Commonwealth Act 539
 c. mc 16, 1983 - 6 hec +1000 sqm homelot
 d. dar ao 3, 1990
 e. ownership of ARBs prior to june 15, 1988.

6. Excess of the award ceiling is subject for allocation, DAR will conduct identification, screening and selection of additional qualified beneficiaries.

7. Areas that are verified as timberland/inalienable - shall not be subdivided. Only the areas covered by the CCLOA that are alienable and disposable lands shall be parcelized

8. In the absence of LAA, areas shall be distibuted equally, additional qualified beneficiaries shall be considered.
In case of disagreement on the equitable allocation of the land, the following shall be observed, which ever is applicable:
 a. Identification, screening and selection of FB.
b. Conduct a raffle in the presence of BARC/ NGO/ Peoples organization

9. Common service facilities shall be segregated and issued a CCLOA.

10. As per, 3.13 of Ao1, 2021 - In the absence of an Order of Finality on a petition for DQ or Exclusion/ Inclusion at the time of parcelization process, the pendency of the petition shall not affect the process of parcelization. The DAR shall continue the process of parcelization up to the issuance of subsequent c-Titles based on the names of ARBs as annotated on the CCLOA or on final executory order in the peition.

11. Non-coverable - segregate the retained area and other non-coverables. Roads, school sites, irriagation facilities, hospitals, etc. Issuance of title in the name of RP. Issuance of a regular title in the name of the LO for the retained area or for non-coverable areas other than for common use.

12. Prioritization of CCLOA for parcelization (preference):
a. LBP compensable lands (CA or VOS);
b. Government Owned lands;
c. Landed estates; or
d. VLT scheme


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