It is robbery or forcible depredation on the high seas without lawful authority and done with intent to steal and in the spirit and intention of universal hostility. Piracy is triable everywhere.
Ways of Committing Piracy
1. By attacking or seizing a vessel on the high seas of the Philippine waters.
2. By seizing the vessel while on the high seas or in Philippine waters the whole or part of its cargo, its equipment or personal belongings of its complement or passengers.
It is the unlawful resistance to a superior, or the raising of commotions and disturbance on board the ship against the authority of its commander.
1. Place of Commission
Either Philippine waters or the high seas
2. Persons of Offender
Committed by strangers to the Vessel Committed by the members of the crew
or passengers.
Intention to gain is essential The offenders may only intend to ignore
the ships officers or they may be prompted by a
desire to commit plunder.
Qualified Piracy
For piracy to be considered as qualified, it must involve the following circumstances:
1. Offenders have seized the vessel by boarding or firing upon the same.
2. Pirates have abandoned their victims without means of saving themselves.
3. The crime is accompanied by murder, homicide, physical injuries, or rape.
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